Learning Python

Learning Python

Hey guys. I hope all of you're doing great. This is my first ever blog post about my learning path for Python.

I will share here my decision why I picked it and also a resources that I'm currently using to learn from.


Well, as I'm fullstack developer and life long learner I wanted to expand my knowledge with another tool wich is Python. I'm currently working with NodeJS and Express framework and also PHP and Laravel framework. The decision was pretty quick as I seen what Python can do from ML to AI but also can be used for web dev.


Below I share some resources that I'm currently using. I would be glad if you can share your also in the comments.

  1. FreeCodeCamp -> link

  2. Introtopython -> link

  3. Official Docs -> link

  4. Cold Steel Udemy Course -> link

And last one will be Javascript to Python cheat sheet as I wanted to explore what are some equivalents of built in functions and so on...

cheatsheet here

Thanks guys and have a great day !!!